Moonlighting 7/11/08


soz guys I know you were holding out for a review of Chicago but I forgot to set up the VCR (i only remebered halfway through the exam) anyway I only saw the credits but I’m disapointed because it had Jimmy Mcnulty (Dominic West) from HBO’s The Wire (best show ever) in it, so it must’ve been okay.

anyway so back onto Moonlighting. I acctually enjoy watching this, Bruce Willis is such a sick cunt.

yeah soz guys not much to say here, Monday’s movie will be McBride: Semper Fi.
It looks promising.

Also I’m looking for people to review the wednesday and Friday movies due to myself having my final 2 exams, also SBS is having a 1pm movie on wednesday so if anyone is gonna watch it… pls review

Onya Sonya

2 Responses to “Moonlighting 7/11/08”

  1. 1 brobama

    fuck exams i thought you were dedicated

    the midday movie scene is dying mate dying

    do your part

  2. i was hanging out for that chicago review.

    let down, im disappointed.

    btw moonlighting sucks, watch buffy.

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